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Potato Juice

Potato juice has many folk medical use as a remedy, the science of which have not been fully investigated.

It has been reported to improve the function of the Digestive System. Potato (juice consumed on rising in the morning) alleviates Constipation. Potato (juice diluted) alleviates Heartburn. Potato (juice diluted with warm water and consumed first thing in the morning) alleviates Peptic Ulcers. Potato (juice) alleviates Gout and Rheumatism.

Some have reported the use of potato juice in treatment of cancer. A decoction of clean potato peels or tea made from the peels is recommended in cases of malignancy, rheumatism or in getting rid of excess uric acid from the body.

Because raw potato juice is often not very palatable to drink, it is usually combined with carrot or lemon juice. It is recommended in the following conditions. Some specific conditions include:

1) Skin problems like eczema

2) Arthritis, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, etc. The juice has anti-inflammatory actions and reduces excessive deposition of uric acid in the joints. For these cases, it could be taken with an infusion made from herbs like, Sage, Nettle, Garlic, Agrimony Catnip, etc.

3) Potato juice when taken alone or in combination with carrot juice assists in healing intestinal or peptic ulcer and gastritis ½ potato juice to 1 full glass could be taken 30 minutes before any meal. The teas made from Sage, Nettle, Mistletoe, Fleabane, Chickweed could also help. And a teaspoonful of ground Cayenne pepper could be sprinkled on the meal each time before eating. The initial burning sensation noticed will disappear with subsequent intakes of the pepper.

4) Potato starch or when the juice is mixed with carrot and pure honey will disinfect the bowels in case of any food poisoning and this also stops diarrhea just as quickly

Ref: POTATOJUICE (Rev 131008)

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