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Organic Food - Hype or Really Nutritious?

In these modern times, many people are changing their diet to consume more organic food rather than the traditionally grown produce. They believe that it is healthier as organic food does not contain any synthetic pesticides. So, is this group of people making the right choice?

Scientists from Britain have made a study on this. In their study, they tested 11 brands of organic vegetable soups and 24 brands of non-organic soups. When a comparison was made, it was found that the organic brands contained 9 times more salicylic acid than the non-organic brands. Four non-organic brands contained no salicylic acid at all.

It can then be said that traditionally grown crops indeed lack this salicylic acid, which is responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin and helps prevent colon cancer and atherosclerosis.

Why does organic plants contain so much more Salicylic acid in organic plants as compared to traditionally grown plants?

Salicylic acid is produced naturally in plants and serves to protect them from pests, stress and diseases. In organic plants, this acid is produced more abundantly as they do not rely on synthetic pesticides. On the other hand, salicylic acid is less needed in traditionally grown plants as they have been depending a great deal on pesticides.

However, basic evolutionary theory would predict that these traditionally grown plants might gradually lose their natural ability to defend itself via the production of salicylic acid in the long run. This might be happening in the world today.

f you do not have access to organic vegetables, you should at least wash them with filtered water. If you have an ozonation unit, place the washed vegetables inside a plastic bag and fill it up with ozone. Leave the vegetables with the ozone for 20 minutes. Remove the vegetables and place in refrigerator. Vegetables so treated can last for many more days because ozone serves as an disinfectant and kill germs on the surface of the vegetables.

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