is plant sterol found in almost all plants. It is one of the main subcomponents
of a group of plant sterols known as phytosterols. It is white in colour and
waxy in nature. It has a chemical structure that is very similar to cholesterol.
High levels of Beta-sitosterol are found in rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils,
and soybeans.
The average American diet lacks this component in their diet. Their
diet contains only 200 to 300 mg of beta-sitosterol per day, which is not adequate.
The benefits of Beta Sitosterol are as follows: -
Controlling Cholesterol
Beta-sitosterol has been known to reduce cholesterol
levels over the last three decades. Its close chemical resemblance
to cholesterol enables it to block the absorption of cholesterol by competitive
inhibition. Although beta-sitosterol is not well absorbed by the body (5-10%),
when consumed with cholesterol it effectively blocks cholesterol's absorption,
resulting in lower serum cholesterol levels. Beta-sitosterol has also been shown
to improve lipoprotein (HDL, LDL) profiles.
Promoting Prostate Health
In preventing and treating prostrate problems like benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH), herbs such as saw palmetto extract, Pygeum africanum, and stinging nettle
and pumpkin seeds are recommended.
In Europe, herbal preparations were often considered prescription drugs for
patients with BPH. Plant sterols actually improved prostate symptom scores
and reduced urine volume and residual urine levels without reducing the size
of the prostate. Beta-sitosterol was one of the major components in these
herbal preparations. Researchers also cited that beta-sitosterol alone was an
effective option in the treatment of BPH.
Anti-Cancer Effects
Beta-sitosterol acts against cancer. It is found to reduce the growth of human
prostate and colon cancer cells. It also acts against lymphocytic leukemia.
It appears that diets high in vegetables and fruits prevent cancer to a certain
degree. Soybeans are superb sources of protein that reduces the risk of cancer
too. Beta-sitosterol is one of the key compounds in soybeans that suppress
Boosts Immunity
Beta-sitosterol may give a boost to competitive athletes who often suffer from
immune suppression and reduced inflammatory response during their intense training
periods and competitions.
Beta-sitosterol had been shown not only to
boost their immunity but also noted to enhance lymphocyte proliferation and
NK-cell activity. This is particularly useful to people who are physically
stressed, medically unwell or recovering from illness.
Normalizes Blood Sugar
has been shown to normalize blood sugar and
insulin levels in Type II diabetics by stimulating the release of
insulin in the presence of non-stimulatory glucose concentrations, and inhibiting
In the liver, the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase is the primary pathway for conversion
of dietary carbohydrates to blood sugar. Glucose-6-phosphatase dephosphorylates
glucose-6-phosphate to yield free D-glucose. Free D-glucose passes into the
blood, thus elevating blood sugar levels.
Reducing the blood glucose levels by down-regulation of glucose-6-phosphatase
helps delay diabetes caused by old age.
Other Benefits of Beta-sitosterol
Beta-sitosterol has the ability to relieve inflammation, heal ulcers, enhance
uterine tone and alleviate cramps. It also has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and
anti-fungal agents.
1. 300 mg up to 5 grams per day for reduction of high blood cholesterol.
2. Between 60 and 130 mg per day for prostatic hyperplasia-related symptoms.
3. 300 mg supplement per day is recommended as dietary health supplements.
Beta-sitosterol is an effective option in the treatment of benign prostatic
hypertrophy, lowering cholesterol, increase immunity and reduce inflammation.
Additional reading: Plant
Sterol and the Prostate
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